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LUCKLIFE Boss Tea is a world-famous elite variety of Chinese tea. It is collected by hand, removing only the upper tender buds and young leaves from the bushes. After brewing, the tea acquires a golden green color, has a light taste and a pleasant aroma.
Unlike black and green tea, which drank in China for thousands of years, LUCKLIFE Boss Tea was considered especially expensive and therefore was initially available only to the emperor and his family. Boss Tea is called the “elixir of immortality” in China for its ability to quickly heal wounds and restore strength.
The natural components of Fohow’s Boss tea give it a unique effect: it accelerates metabolic processes, stabilizes blood pressure, activates the removal of toxins from the body.


The Health Benefits of Lucklife Boss Tea for You:


✔️ Cures Diabetes
✔️Lowers blood viscosity
✔️Lowers blood pressure
✔️Lowers blood sugar
✔️Good for anti aging
✔️Good for anti tumor
✔️Good for anti-thrombotic
✔️Regulates blood lipids
✔️Regulates immunity
✔️Regulates the stomach
✔️It is rich in antioxidantIts
✔️Good for smokers and those with dry throats


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