Calcium from the seaweed is easily absorbed by a human organism. It has to be mentioned, that the Fohow calcium contains B group vitamins which make calcium better absorbed in the intestine and remain in the bones. Gradually a deficit of calcium develops in the human organism: at the age of 40 it is typical to 50% of people, at 60 – 90%; it causes tiredness, early aging, reduced attention concentration, calf muscle spasms, heart and blood vessel system diseases and respiratory diseases. When getting older the process of bone tissue restoration slows down, it can cause bone disease – bone osteoporosis, resulting in the reduction of bone tissue volume.
Indications for use:
Aging process
Lack of vitamins and minerals
Thyroid deficiency
Increased permeability of blood vessel walls, bleeding
Allergies, diathesis
Skin diseases like rashes, eczema and psoriasis
Osteoporosis, rachitis, arthritis
Tired leg syndrome and spasms
Climacteric and post-climacteric periods
Broken bones
Concentration disorders
Ingredients: calcium from seaweed, vegetable oil, gelatin
Package: 100 capsules
Use: up to 2 capsules per day
Expiration date: 18 months from the production date
Storage: in a dry cool place
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